has the right to education.'
26, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948)
11-15 November this year was the global Right 2 Education Week, a week
dedicated to raising awareness of the difficulties of accessing education under
Israeli occupation. This year over 30 different organisations and student
societies across the world participated in #R2Eweek and contributed to the
online conversation, making it the biggest Week yet. We’ve even doubled our
twitter followers! (@RIGHT_2_EDU)

Until next time!
The Right 2 Education Team
Here at BZU, the national volunteers for the campaign held a series of
events on campus including a workshop with Addameer (a Palestinian prisoner support
and human rights organisation), an open mic activity bringing people together
to share their experiences and a photo exhibition. The atmosphere here during
the week was brilliant, and we all really enjoyed having the opportunity to
experience the week at the heart of the campaign. It was even reported on by Ma'an News Agency.
As international volunteers, our job was to coordinate and generate
interest with student societies from around the world and offer support for
hosting their own #R2Eweek. In order to achieve the best level of participation
possible we put in a huge effort to increase the online presence of the
campaign through Facebook, Twitter and revamping the website. We created three documents, designed
to support interested societies, an information pack for
hosting #R2Eweek events, a fact sheet to
offer the most up-to-date information and a list of additional materials for
further research.
During #R2Eweek itself, it was truly amazing to see and feel part of the
huge show of international solidarity. Each day we published a schedule of all
the events that were taking place, and it was great to see the different types
of activities arranged to raise awareness. These ranged from information stalls
to mock checkpoints and street theatre. The importance of utilising social
media for the campaign was highlighted by the use of the hashtag #R2Eweek on
Twitter and sharing photos on Facebook, as they went a long way to unifying
support for the campaign.
We had a great time and are very proud to be part of the most successful
Right 2 Education Week to date.
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